Friday, March 21, 2008

Ufff... all that software!

Finally I got to the most interesting part of my program - connecting the c++ program body with the database I have. I found a lot of tutorials on that topic online, especially on microsoft msdn website. Well, as I decided to use mfc in my program (I don't want to code everything by hand), I tried to link the database and my program statically through the mfc wizard. When I tried that I ran into "Unrecognized database format". At first I thought that was because I didn't have Microsoft Access on my computer. So I installed special dao dll libraries. That didn't really work. Then I tried to install free trial of Access, but that didn't help either. Finally, different online programming forums told me to update my MFC library from Jet 3.4 to Jet 4, which I couldn't find for free anywhere. So I found the Visual Studio Service Pack 5. It says in the description that they updated the mfc in there. It takes pretty long time to install this whole thing. So, the software problems took me way more time than actual coding. I'm filling my database with the units I have for now, while the pack is installing. I really hope it will work.


Zhanar said...

Nope. Didn't work. All these versions and libraries are so frustrating!

GeekTeach said...

I have started reading up on the versions as well. I haven't seen your computer specifically yet, but let's trust it can be figured out.

I think this is why I stayed with plain old Visual Basic and didn't move forward to the .NET system when it came out.
